Members of the Missouri Valley Search and Rescue Team have created a very special and unique resource for SAR Teams in Missouri and Illinois. We have the unique ability to setup and execute Command Operations for a missing persons search. We have a very unique set of volunteers that can handle any/all aspects of the command operations from planing, logistics, operations, and even communications.
All members of MOVAL are required to be FEMA NIMS compliant so all are aware of the ICS command structure and practice this constantly. From planning and logistics to operations and command, members of the Missouri Valley Search and Rescue Team are here to assist in your rescue mission.
We can provide mapping and real time team locaitons via SarTopo web services to members of not only our team, but others that assist with the search to aid in logistics and sar planning.
Missouri Valley Search and Rescue has it's own dedicated UHF radio frequencies that can be utilized on searches. We also are able to do cross-band repeating to VHF radio frequencies in the field. This allows us to not only communicate with our radios, but radios from other teams in the field.
We are always looking to add new members to our Command Operations Team so if you are interested in becoming a member please feel free to click below and complete our volunteer application.