Missouri Valley Search and Rescue Team offers drone / aerial scouting skills that can aid in the location of missing persons reducing the actual number of searchers in the field. Drone searches allow for high resolution photography scans that can help detect missing persons from a higher point of view/advantage point that may be hard to see from ground level.
Drones can be extremely helpful for searching large fields where ground visibility is obscured by vegetation such as corn or soybeans or you do not have enough resources to conduct a basic grid search as the drone can cover large areas quickly and help pinpoint areas to send teams in. Drones are also great for wet/marshy areas where access may not be easy for First Responders to enter. The use of a drone can also help establish updated imagery for the planning process as online map resources such as SARTOPO or Google Earth may not have recent images of the search area.
We are working to ensure that our drone services meet the newest FAA regulations and certification requirements. We are working to ensure our drones meet all of the Part 107 requirements setforth by the FAA. Some of our drones come equiped camera resolution up to 4K resulting in super clear imagery to help identify any clues or missing persons. *NOTICE* Drones do not work well in areas with lots of trees or super thick canopy.